Company Profile


Name of Company Nami New York Property, LLC
Representative Nami Loup
Address 287 Park Avenue South, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10010 U.S.A. MAP
Mobile USA 1+(917)797-0281
Tel & Fax USA 1+(212)420-9662
LINE ID namiyamaki
Skype ID coordinator.newyork
Skype phone in Japan (050) 5532-4118

If dialed from Japan, local charges from home and mobile phone apply.

E-mail Address
Business Summary – Rent, Sale of properties in New York City- Commercial properties in New York City- Property management in New York City

Operating Hours

New York (EST) 9AM – 8PM
Japan / Summer time

(Mar.- Nov.)

10PM – 9AM next day
Japan / Winter time


11PM – 10AM next day

Privacy Policy

We will not disclose, submit, sell or share any information obtained during the project.